My baby is one year old now, and long ago I won the bid, so on to the hospital did a drug shunt. 我家宝宝现在一周岁了,前些日子我又中标了,于是就到医院做了药流术。
Using distributed parameter line model, the proposed algorithm is applicable for long distance lines since shunt capacitance is taken into account. 该算法采用分布参数线模,克服了忽略线路电容带来的误差,适用于高压长距离输电线。
This paper proposes a novel principle of segregated phase current differential protection in UHV long distance transmission line with shunt reactor installed in the middle segment. 提出了在特高压长线路中间带并联电抗器时的线路分相电流差动保护原理。